The arrival of fall means relief from the heat and more hospitable weather for outdoor activities here in the Clearwater, Tampa Bay & St. Petersburg area. The average median temperature for October ranges from 83 degrees for the high to a cool 66 degrees, making it the perfect time to get outside! Cooler evenings encourage the opportunity for outdoor dining, entertaining and backyard recreation, but none of these are possible with a dark backyard!

Imagine adding light to your backyard designations for year-round enjoyment?
With the days getting shorter and nightfall making an earlier entrance, it is important to make sure your outdoor areas are well-lit so enjoyment can continue well into the evening. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay can tackle the job of maintaining your existing system, adding to it or installing a brand new lighting system for you from scratch. We can put you on the schedule right now for an autumn inspection so you are ready to enjoy the cooler fall and winter temperatures ahead.
If you have an existing outdoor lighting system we will make sure your system is working properly and that any burnt out bulbs are replaced. This is also a great time to consider converting an old-school halogen system to an all LED outdoor lighting system since the bulbs last way longer and consume less electricity. We come in and check all your wiring and make sure it’s all intact and we re-bury any wire that has made its way to the surface due to any landscape activity or inclement weather too. We also carefully inspect all your fixtures to make sure they are in good shape, aligned properly, and free of dirt or spider webs, and we will trim any plant overgrowth blocking your beam of light. We also check your transformer to make sure that it is carrying the load of wattage properly and that your timer is functioning as it should.

The fall is also a good time to decide if you wish to add additional lighting to enhance your system or perhaps you feel that an upgrade is in order. We can give your property a whole new look in terms of ambience and mood if you are ready for a change of how your home and property are currently illuminated. We can add lighting to the areas where family and friends primarily congregate in your backyard and make sure that those spots are lit up so they not only look beautiful, but that they are safer as to avoid slip and falls. Lighting steps and entrances into a patio or deck, for example, is a great candidate for additional light so that you and your guests can easily navigate. Outdoor Lighting Perspectives of Clearwater & Tampa Bay will ensure your pathways from your driveway to your yard are visible enough to navigate safely — and to avoid coming home to a dark home night after night.
Give us a call so we can put you on the schedule now so that you will be ready for the cooler weeks ahead! You can reach us at (727) 785-6000 or (813) 237-0340 or by visiting